- Amy Wicks-Horn – Never Leave Your Goals Unreached

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One morning, I woke up and immediately knew something was wrong. Can your face “fall asleep” like an arm or a leg? One look in the mirror and I knew my face wasn’t asleep – I looked like I had had a massive stroke. That moment of shock in 2002 at thirty-six years old—the breath-taking concern for my two small children that washed over me in a sweaty instant—started a journey of healing and transformation that elevated my life and defined my resilience. We have all had moments that alter our world forever. W

I worked with no balance and less income than my family needed for years. I struggled to protect my health and heal. I needed someone to show me a better way. I found a mentor with a heart for service who shared her path in order to illuminate possibilities for others. Amy's Current Projects 01. The Invincible Family Project It’s time for regular, every day families, to change the status quo. It’s time for us to take back our power and change our collective futures.

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