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Description: ANACTAGRAM is the most comprehensive and unique selection of proprietary anagrams of actor and actress names and is extensively used in, but not limited to book, puzzle, game show, database, subscription-based sale English-speaking multimedia.

movies (6345) actor (4959) movie (4755) actress (2220) hollywood (1707) actors (886) actresses (189) anagram (75) anagrams (35) anactagram (5)

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Where else but here can you find anagrams of over 11,000 actor/actress names online?

ANACTAGRAM™ is a new word coined by us to accurately represent anagrams of an actor or actress name. For example, a representative Anactagram is shown by the letters in the actress name " Christina Applegate " which can also exactly spell " Appealing Theatrics ."

The ANACTAGRAM™ concept is proprietary (see  THE LEGAL STUFF ) and is currently in the process of being even more fully developed as a  MULTIMEDIA collection of games and puzzles that can be played anywhere and in many forms, ranging from solitaire to a multi-team version, on paper, in books, newspaper puzzle corners, orally, online, on-screen and on television, and all other media derivatives. At the appropriate time, details of each newly added version may appear on this website.

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