Description: Anand Bedrala, Artist, Oil Painter, Water Color painting, Acylic Painting, Creative Art Fine Art, Bangalore Fine Aritist, Mangalore Fine Artist, Indian Fine Artist, Indian Fine Art, Oil Canvas, Acrylic Cancvas Visit
artist (37590) painting (14252) oil painter (240) water color painting (6) anand bedrala (1) acylic painting (1) creative art fine art (1) bangalore fine aritist (1) mangalore fine artist (1) indian fine artist (1)
a collections of painting
Anand Bedrala I believe that my paintings are the creations that just happen. What I create with colours and brush on canvas, often opens up a pletora of thoughts, dimension & feelings in the minds of the viewers. Therefore my paintings always remain fresh and dynamic in their very essence& presentation. My creativity uses colours & tonal values, metaphysical visual patterns and divisions, spaces that are interdependent with rolling forms -all in a visual language that reflects the inner urges and complexit
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