- Limelight People - Welcome Home

Description: A reliable casting agency in London specialising in SA's, dancers, walk-ons and presenters for film, TV, media and photographic industries.

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A reliable casting agency in London specialising in SA's, dancers, walk-ons and presenters for film, TV, media and photographic industries.

Limelight People is a one-stop shop for the film, television, media and photographic industries. We are a reliable and successful casting agency providing a massive range of talent including supporting artists, dancers, presenters, look-alikes, stuntmen, children and animals. We can help you get in touch with ADs, locations, camera crew, lighting crew, wardrobe, make-up artists and much more.

Limelight People work closely with the production teams, read scripts, meet costume departments, discuss the production needs and are on call to the AD teams throughout their schedule. We have changed the way talent is viewed not only in this country but abroad and are continuing to grow and expand.