- ANAVI Traducción e Interpretación

Description: ANAVI Traducción e Interpretación

traducción (174) interpretación (69) locución (39) consecutiva (9) anavi (4) voces extranjeras (2) simultánea (2) traducción escrita (1)

Example domain paragraphs

We do not only provide the most reliable on-site interpreters, but we are also specialized in remote interpreting solutions in strict conformance with the international security standards, preventing vulnerabilities

With the spread of the coronavirus pandemic we have had to react and implement solutions adapted to the needs of our clients also during this difficult time. In order to see what solutions we offer, please click on “other interpreting solutions”

ANAVI will help you organizing the translation-interpretation of your event so that you can focus on everything else. Ana Villa, founder and manager of ANAVI Translation-Interpretation SL, has been an active conference interpreter for more than 25 years, so she knows the details of the organization of congresses, and knows which interpreters are the most suitable for what type of meetings, according to their specialization and language combination, among other factors to consider. The interpreters that coll

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