- Digital Humanities Semantic Annotation of Archaeological Grey Literature

Description: Andronikos is a digital humanities web-portal, closely associated with the STAR project (University of Glamorgan) that makes available CIDOC CRM and CRM-EH based semantic indices of Archaeological Grey Literature

archaeology (689) natural language processing (377) archeology (126) information extraction (26) grey literature (4) cidoc-crm (4) digital humanities semantic annotation (1) oasis corpus (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Andronikos is a digital humanities web-portal closely associated with the STAR project that makes available CIDOC CRM and CRM-EH based semantic indices of the OASIS corpus that have been provided by the Archaeology Data Service . The portal provides a browsing and searching facility of semantic annoations, other pages make available Terminology (English Heritage Thesauri - Glossaries), XML -RDF conversion tools, corpus resources, evaluation results and relevant publications.

OASIS is an umbrella project of the University of York that brings together a number of strategic partners of the Archaeology field such. The processed coprus of semantic annotations consists of 2460 documents including archaeology evaluation reports, excavation reports, watching briefs etc.

The section makes available semantic annotations of documents originating from the Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) and The Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum ('Corpus of Ancient Vases') collections. Public Access the pages is restricted due to copyright restrictions.