- Centerfield Nine | The House Sometimes Wins | Andy Goldberg

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Thanks for reading! I'm Andy Goldberg, the author of this site and the founder of Centerfield Nine, a consulting firm dedicated to helping casinos become smarter, more efficient, and more profitable. We don't sell massive enterprise solutions — instead, we leverage your existing infrastructure, CMS, and data sources, and we produce results that translate into real, measurable dollars to your bottom line. Our goal is to work collaboratively with your executives and operators, empowering them to use data to m

If your casino struggles to produce timely and insightful analytics, if you are not getting the value you expected from your database and technology investments, if you are seeking new areas for revenue growth, if you'd like more accurate forecasting, if too many internal processes that should be simple, aren't... I can help! Please reach out and let's talk!

Thanks for reading! I'm Andy Goldberg, the author of this site and the founder of Centerfield Nine, a consulting firm building innovative technology solutions. The company's roots are in the casino & hospitality industry, but its technical expertise applies to a wide variety of industries. I specialize in builiding database-driven APIs, automating data pipelines, external site retrieval, connecting data between systems, and generating analytic reports and dashboards.