- Andy Kubrin - family history and genealogy

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family history and genealogy

God created Adam, perhaps because He needed something to do. Then He created Eve, because Adam needed something to do, or someone to know. They dwelt in the garden, which was fruitful and lush. All was pleasant there, until that unfortunate incident with the apple, which obliged Adam and Eve to leave the garden and make their way in the wilderness. The forest was dark, cold, and forbidding. Strange terrors lurked there. To still his fears, Adam befriended a wolf. Or perhaps the wolf befriended him. It’s not

When I last wrote about my great-grandmother Tillie Kopelman, I didn’t expect to write about her again.  When Harry Met Tillie  included a brief sketch, mostly based on my Uncle Jay’s memories.  Origins: Taube Kurdabrin  documented her arrival at Ellis Island and rehashed the earlier sketch. I didn’t think I had anything more to say about Tillie. But exchanges with two fellow genealogists taught me that other discoveries awaited, even if I was oblivious to the possibilities. Continue reading