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Oil painting is, for me, a medium of time , layers of color overlay and time becomes part of the final materiality of the artwork, in both visual and symbolic ways. The technical possibilities of this medium seem infinite and make it extraordinary, I explore and use them according to the result I seek.

I do not pre-draw on the canvas , I create a spontaneous background, textured or not, often with blended tones, then I reveal the chosen or intuitive subject gradually, applying and removing paint here and there as we do when modeling a sculpture, it arises from the multiple layers, with the colors and values creating its volume and shape.

Painting is for me a particular way to communicate what I feel , my subjects emerge from an emotion, a situation, an encounter, a song, a text, a living experience... I make small and quick sketches of the idea or inner vision coming to me. Sometimes an unexpected life event changes totally the direction of the painting started.

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