- Domov | ANLife

Description: Ekipo Anlife sestavlja več strokovnjakov z bogatimi večletnimi pedagoškimi izkušnjami s področja športa. Dobro se zavedamo vpliva gibanja na zdravje posameznika, zato je naš osnovni namen približati vadbo na strokoven in hkrati zabaven ter sproščen način širši populaciji.

fitnes (126) zdravje (100) prehrana (54) otroci (42) vitamini (40) hujšanje (34) rojstni dan (19) delavnica (15) izziv (3) analiza telesne sestave (2)

Example domain paragraphs

With a notion that fitness activities are not just mere 3 times a week routine, but rather a day-to-day lifestyle, we have opened a first of our fitness centers in the city… When we were asking ourselves, whether we would be able to offer something different to what other fitness studios offer, we found the answer. It was a skilled team of trainers!

Ste eden tistih, ki zajtrku ne posvečajo dovolj pozornosti ali pa sploh ne zajtrkujete?

Since the time our fitness studio opened up its doors for the very first time, there always was a conventional feeling that fitness is more of a girly thing, than a manly one. No one could have been more wrong! Just in the last 10 years our fitness center’s men/women attendees ration skyrocketed from 10/90 to 35/65! This means that each third of our fitness club’s attendees is a man who just loves keeping up in shape while doing fitness!