- Anna Fraser's Gallery : animal painting and people portraits

Description: Unique paintings of your favourite animals, pets and people created by fine artist Anna Fraser to your choice of size and media. All ideas from murals to sketches considered.

artist (36908) dog (6705) cat (3899) horses (2612) murals (995) pastel (759) animal portraits (94) animal paintings (69) animal painting (24) silent companion (1)

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Anna Fraser B.A. (Hons) Fine Art

I am told by my many satisfied customers that I capture the "real feel" of my subjects as well as their likeness. I am always sketching wherever I go, in my head if not on a tangible surface. My work is the way I communicate with people and quite often I work in front of the public for this reason. I have drawn and painted since I was a child and I studied Fine Art at Exeter College of Art and Design.

I work to commission mainly on animal portraits but enjoy depicting humans, humour and fantasy too. I work from either life or photograph and am happy to work with many different media, oils, pastels and watercolours included.