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Description: Human Rights – Better Life; the transformative power of human dignity in the 21st century; meaning, challenges and a potential for positive change.

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Welcome to my blog Human Rights – Better Life!

“But, why another blog about human rights?” you may ask. “There are so many already, and so much talk about human rights in the world! What else can be said?”- “Yes, indeed”, I willingly admit, “you are perfectly right, and yet … Please, give me two minutes to explain myself!”

While the majority of human beings around the world do much good, sometimes with great danger to their own safety, others are less gentle. Our imperfect human nature has provided us with a penchant for power and control, which causes hardship and suffering for many people. This imperfect state of affairs is likely to continue, because history teaches us that wars, greed and abuse of all kinds don’t easily go away.