- Annie Liew: Front-End Developer & Designer

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I'm passionate about bringing both the technical and visual aspects of digital products to life. User experience, beautiful pixels and writing clean accessible, human code matters to me. I sweat the details. And as a follower of John Maeda’s laws of simplicity , I agree that less is more.

I have a BA in Multimedia Design from Curtin University 🇦🇺, a Certificate of Web Development Immersive from Juno College (Formerly HackerYou) 🇨🇦, (and an Advanced Scuba Diving License from PADI 🇵🇭!)

I'm happiest when I'm creating, learning, exploring and thinking about how to make things better. Currently solving deceptively simple problems at . I'm not available for any freelance work, but feel free to reach out and say hello! I promise I don't bite 😉

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