- Annie Sarah Photography – Your newest third wheel

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Two days before my wedding, my venue called and gave me an ultimatum that we either move my wedding up to the next day or we don’t don’t do it. Immediately, I was ready to throw in the towel because how on earth was I going to get the rest of my vendors moved up a day at a moments notice. My mom and best man asked me what I needed to make it happen and I told him I didn’t care what we did as long as we had pictures since that was the priority from day 1.

One call to Annie with an explanation and she was ready to drop everything and make the 4 hour drive a day early to help make my wedding day happen.

Weather conditions were less than desirable at 40 degrees with 30 mph winds on the side of a cliff. I had to ditch my veil the minute I stepped out of the car and got more sand in my mouth than a toddler on a beach vacation. But a few hours later when I finally got internet connection, Annie had already sent me a sneak peek of the most beautiful wedding photos I had ever seen. I truly don’t know how it was possible to get even one good photo of our disastrous ceremony but she did and all of a sudden I forgo