- Anod, Inc.

Description: Anod, Inc. provides developmental disability care in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Please call us for more information.

respite care (353) homemaker (68) behavioural support (2) basic support services 24 hrs emergency assistant adult companion services individual living community support in-home or out of home intervention support services crisis respite

Example domain paragraphs

Are you looking for professionals who can help you address your loved one’s condition? We are here for you. Our services are rooted in meeting the unique needs of each client. With this in mind, we ensure that our services are customized based on our clients’ situation and preferences. We also treat our clients as our partners in addressing their condition.

Anod, Inc. was formed out of a strong desire to provide compassionate services to the developmentally disabled within the community residing in MN.

The goal and mission of Anod, Inc. is to ensure the continuation of the legacy of Koje's parents by providing care with compassion.