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I have been a Vultr for a long long time (many many years). Vultr has offered a Free Tier Program. However, you have to register and get approved. Once approved, you can select a Free Tier instance at (Cloud Compute – Regular – Free Instance). Current Vultr users are likely to be approved for the Continue Reading »

I have 20+ servers, and I need to make sure they are safe, so here are the few steps I took to harden the security: Change SSH Port number you can configure Port XXX in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and remember to restart the ssd service to take effect: service sshd restart Disable root SSH login you can Continue Reading »

TLDR: with Hetzner Cloud Provider, you can run Blockchain (witness/producer) nodes if the chain is based on DPOS (Delegated Proof of Stakes) or POS (Proof of Stakes). However, the PoW (Proof of Work) and Plotting is not allowed. DPOS Blockchain example: Steem. POS Blockchain example: Ethereum (previously was PoW) POW Blockchain example: Bitcoin. Plotting: is Continue Reading »

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