
Description: The home of Technosnark©®™, discusses the primacy of technology in human society, promotes reasonably optimistic technological utopianism, and advocates a sort of holistic perspective on technology as the preeminent force of human civilization. With a smartastic superiority complex.

technology (16135) intelligence (1025) reno (797) anthropology (326) sociology (279) robotic (244) prosthetics (226) cybernetics (51) anthrobotic (2) tibke (2)

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Five Years of Talking Shit Finally Paid Off: SONY IS RETURNING TO ROBOTICS! In 2006, Sony did one of the dumbest things that’s ever happened in the history of robotics. BUT NOW, could it be that redemption is not only possible, but coming soon?

Japan Robot Week 2016 went very well. The 3-day event drew 30,000 humans – nearly double the 2014 attendance. Therefrom, here is a handful of superbly mediocre photos of robots and robot stuff.