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An antiquary is an expert in antiquities, the study of ancient objects. Antiquarians are the people who engage in the study of antiquities. The term is sometimes used more broadly to connote a love of old things in general. .

The antiquary has been a part of British society since at least the seventeenth century. The first antiquaries were wealthy amateurs who dabbled in the subject as a hobby. In the eighteenth century, a new breed of professional antiquaries emerged. These men were scholars who made their living from the study of antiquities. They were often employed by the government to help excavate archaeological sites and to catalogue ancient artifacts.

The antiquary is a curious figure. He is a man who is passionate about the past, but who also lives in the present. He is a scholar, but he is also a craftsman. He knows how to read ancient texts, but he also knows how to work with his hands. He is a historian, but he is also an artist.