- Anyinginyi Health | Doctors in Tennant Creek

Description: Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation | Primary healthcare services for the Aboriginal population in Tennant Creek & nearby communities. Corporate services, health services, public health initiatives, & Piliyintinji-Ki Stronger Families program.

home (85598) services (28332) support (9797) healthcare (6312) community health (102) indigenous wellbeing (1) tennant creek doctors (1)

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Estab­lished in 1984 as Anyinginyi Con­gress Abo­rig­i­nal Cor­po­ra­tion, in 2003 we under­went a name change to become Anyinginyi Health Abo­rig­i­nal Cor­po­ra­tion. That year also saw an expan­sion of ser­vices out­side of Ten­nant Creek.

Corporate Services Corporate services pro­vide the admin­is­tra­tive functions of the organisation and sup­port to our Board of Direc­tors.

Health Services Our Health Services support client health and wellbeing for every stage of their life .

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