aperfecthome4u.net - Jeff Crase | Metro Brokers, Inc. | CO Real Estate

Description: Homes for sale in Broomfield, Broomfield Real Estate, Buy Homes in Broomfield, Sell Homes in Broomfield

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Jeff Crase and John Tanguma (JT) are Realtors working with Sellers, Buyers, New Builds, Foreclosures...and more.  Jeff has been featured as a "Real Estate Expert" on the HGTV  national hit series  "My House Is Worth What?".  You can watch one of Jeffs recent shows by clicking on the YOUTUBE symble to your right under Jeffs contact info.  Jeff has also been ranked as a 5-Star real estate agent thru 5280 magazine year after year.  If you are looking for successful Realtors  who offers professionalism, a track

  WANT TO LOOK AT SOME HOMES?   Simply click on the "Property Search" over to your left!  Once you fill the search out, click on "EMAIL ME PROPERTY ALERTS "...this will send you any homes that hit your criteria!  If any of them catch your eye, let us know, and we will get you into the home. 

  WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOUR HOME IS WORTH?   We have a lot of people that are in the "curious stage" and want to know what they can expect to get for their home, and how long it will take.  We would love to help you with this...no obligation!

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