A team of 35 freelance artists collaborated together to do a little portfolio project refresh and APOGEE is what resulted. The visual assets were made over a 3 day photo and video shoot, everyone working pro-bono in the name of the project. The team is made up of a Photographer, Videographers, Creative Directors, Art Directors, Designers, Assistants, Hair Stylists, Makeup Artists, Wardrobe Stylists, Nail Art Artists, Models, Post Production Artist, and a Web Developer.
We did our shoot, designed our magazine and then hosted a Kickstarter to raise $7,250 to get our magazine printed 1,500 times. We celebrated with a website & magazine launch party and now it is time to distribute. Our sponsors believed in the dreamers and doers, and we believe that opportunities often come to you when you can give people a true visual of your capabilities, and that dear friends, is APOGEE.
Kendra Ramada