- Aquametro Oil & Marine | volumetric meters, measurement for oil and diesel-powered vehicles and ships, marine shipping - Aquamet

Description: Aquametro Oil & Marine – Leading manufacturer for volumetric meters, measurement for oil and diesel-powered vehicles and ships and marine shipping.

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Date: August 28, 2023 – August 30, 2023   Location: Island of Donsö / Gothenburg, Sweden

Date: September 26, 2023 – September 27, 2023   Location: Messe Kalkar

Aquametro Oil & Marine operates from its headquarters in Therwil/Switzerland and Rostock/Germany as well as from Singapore for the Asian market. With further subsidiaries in South Korea and China and representation offices in India and Japan plus a global service network and numerous sales partners around the world we can offer you seamless, professional and solution-driven support.

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