- Aquiferious

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But the aesthetics and science of this book speak to all of the freshwater springs in Florida—as well as to those readers who would experience, explore, and acknowledge the sublime qualities of these unique natural systems. AQUIFERious also includes photographs, artistic cave maps, essays and scientific articles from ten contributors that recount a world of extreme cave diving, history, literature and science.

The poetic—with the passion for the fragile springs and the creativity they inspire—is tempered with sobering stories of loss of flow and water quality. Useful links, information and how-to advice for helping conserve and protect the springs are included. A percentage of sales goes to groups helping the springs. Printed by Fidelity Press in Orlando, 176 pages casebound, 9 x 12 inches, designed by Jarrod Ryhal. Available for purchase from Thornebrook Gallery  in Gainesville, FL,  The Harn Museum Store  in Ga

Gilchrist Blue Springs

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