- Arch Lancer | Photography, weddings, event, lifestyle…

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Its been over month I have not updated my blog since facebook was so convenient nowadays. I have been busy for many photo outings, photo contest and other activities. Most probably will be update to my facebook and my blog here will have big changes soon. My facebook link here . Any updates I will notice in my facebook amd sorry for the readers of my blog.

转眼间,我已经一个月多没有更新我的部落格勒而且大部分的时间的花在Facebook上。对于大部分的读者真的很抱歉, 如果要知道更多的详情就到 这里 。迟些我会再更改这里的形势,到时候再会Facebook通知大家。

This was my most happy moment for the year. I have been taking photos for few years already and this was what I have waiting for. Thanks for Lumix to loaning out this G1 for me and I was absolutely lucky to win this photo competition for Lumix Star Search 09. By the way, I really thanks who ever vote my photos and all my supporters. Below was my lucky photo.