- Commercial and Residential Architect - Roland A. Arriaga, AIA, Architect - Archi-Dinamica Architects, LLC

Description: Architectural firm specializing in retail and commercial architecture, residential architects for luxury and custom home design, expert architect historic renovation and restoration of historic homes and buildings.

architect (4913) architects (2312) residential architects (70)

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Never start a project without finding out the facts and assessing the feasibility of your needs.  Find out everything you need to know by taking advantage of our Project Needs and Options Feasibility Study .

Is it a tailored made study to get certainty on the various aspects of your project. With the Project Needs and Options Feasibility Study you get the facts you need in order to put the technical aspects of your project into an understandable order of importance.

When a project is started without the proper upfront research, it almost always means significant design changes later, with time and cost overruns during construction. It’s like a doctor prescribing medication without first diagnosing the symptoms of an illness or malady. Likewise, it is very risky to begin designing your project without establishing your project’s design goals, objectives, and parameters.