- National Archives of Pakistan

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The National Archives of Pakistan is the reservoir of the non-current records of the Government of Pakistan. Information of National Archives of Pakistan is derived from numerous sources, including various editions of the Pakistan Year Book and Economic Survey of Pakistan. The National Archives of Pakistan is member of the International Council on Archives and its regional branch called South and West Asian Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (SWARBICA).

The Directorate of Archives and Libraries was established in 1951, as sub-ordinate office of the Ministry of Education. The Department of Archives was bifurcated on 8th December, 1973 which established two separate departments, namely National Archives of Pakistan and National Library. In 1977, the subject of Archives was alloted to newly created Culture Division. Later on 9th January 1997, the National Archives of Pakistan was attached to the Cabinet Division. The National Archives building comprising 1,50

Secretary Cabinet (Cabinet Division)

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