Description: Generate argon2i, argon2d and argon2id password hashes with variety options such as memory cost, parallelism factor, iterations count and hash length. Verify/Validate existing Argon2 hashes.
Argon2 Hash Generator Argon2 Hash Verifier Argon2 Hash Generator & Verifier Generate password hashes with Argon2 algorithm, the winner of the Password Hashing Competition Argon2 Hash Generator Plain Text Input Salt settings Parallelism Factor Memory Cost Iterations Hash Length Argon2i Argon2d Argon2id How to Choose the Right Parameters for Argon2 » Output in HEX Form Copy -- Output in Encoded Form Copy -- Generate Hash Reset Form What is Argon2? Argon2 is cryptographic hashing algorithm, most recommended fo
It is designed by Alex Biryukov, Daniel Dinu, and Dmitry Khovratovich from University of Luxembourg.
Argon2 has 3 variants: Argon2d , Argon2i and Argon2id . Argon2i is optimized for password hashing. Argon2 has 6 input parameters: password, salt, memory cost (the memory usage of the algorithm), time cost (the execution time of the algorithm and the number of iterations), parallelism factor (the number of parallel threads), hash length.