Description: 35 craft beers on tap and a huge selection of bottles and cans, the best selection of Arizona wines and meads, and local-made craft sodas, Arizona Beer House is Tucson's premium beverage destination. We aren’t your neighborhood sports bar--we know that many craft beer drinkers enjoy the association of friends and family over the blaring TV's and other distractions found in sports bars, and that's why we're here.
small business (15149) local (11140) pub (2825) craft beer (1780) growlers (37) arizona wine (15) arizona beer (9) crowlers (6) drink local (5) tucson craft beer (2)
150 S Kolb Road Tucson, AZ 85710 520-207-8077 draught • bottles • cans • crowlers growlers • wine • mead
Eat Local - Drink Local
It's that time of year again! We're bringing you the eastside's annual Very Arizona Oktoberfest, chockfull of great family-friendly fun and German-style beers! Join us for food trucks, face painting, balloon twisting, and live music from noon until midnight!