- Homes for sale in Arizona City, AZ 85123 real estate listings

Description: Arizona City, AZ 85123 area MLS listings idx Homes for sale Real Estate

arizona city (5) az 85123 real estate homes sale mls listings (2)

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Next to the search shape tools, the Arizona City, AZ Nosy Neighbor tool allows you to click on a point on the map to bring up a home listing information. For each home for sale you can see the parcel dimensions, where available, will display and also a mini listing history. Click on the link marked Select to place one of the historical listings on your selected tab. Click on the real estate's listing number to view its listing report in a separate window.

Back/Forward Buttons – Similar to your web browser, flexmls Mapping includes buttons to move between displays. If you would like to revert to the previous mapping zoom level or focus, click the back button (left arrow). From there, you may return to the most recent zoom level or focus by clicking the forward button (right arrow).

Display all Points on Map – Click the button in between the Back/Forward buttons to return to the initial map view where all plotted points are visible. This tool is handy if you have moved the map to a point where you have lost perspective.

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