- Global supplier of medical devices & medical solutions | Arjo

Description: At Arjo, we are committed to improve the everyday lives of people affected by reduced mobility and age-related health challenges. Learn more at Arjo. Welcome!

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Dedicated to Empowering Movement read more Preventing caregiver injuries: how floor and ceiling lifts can help Routine care tasks should not put caregivers at risk. Caregivers perform transfer, repositioning and hygiene tasks many times throughout the day. If these essential care tasks are not performed with the right equipment, care processes and skills, they can put caregivers  at risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and injury.

Patient handling transfers using a multifaceted  approach can help to reduce injury amongst  caregivers and promote healthier outcomes for  those affected by mobility challenges.

48 hours as a ”fly-on-the-wall” in an Intensive Care Unit There are many examples of how meticulous field research ensures that every new Arjo product adds value beyond existing solutions. Arjo’s product architect Jörgen Jönsson even spent 48 hours in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to gain insights that pave the way for better hospital beds.