- Arlie Neskahi – We took it this far. Now, it’s up to you to take it further…

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Yah ah t'eh ,

Welcome to my site, here find the range of my experience, passions and visionary journeys. When I step back and take a look at all that I have managed to accomplish here... I feel like I have lived several lifetimes. Since a young man, I have desired to explore the world and make a contribution to it's wonders. As I tell my singers, don't just try to sing a good song, try to live a good song... you want your life to be lingering in people's hearts and minds...

In terms of education, I went in reverse to the academic scheme of things. Rather than applying more and more focus to my learning to eventually be an expert in a field, i.e. doctorate. My learning adventures expanded like crazy after leaving high school and my universe unfolded before my eyes.

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