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Monthly Challenge for Art Journaling

 It's Elle here from Empire of the Cat and I am so pleased to be hosting the September challenge. This is my third time hosting so you probably know this already, but I live in Scotland. I am a cat person as you might have guessed from the name of my website! I have three lovely kitty companions who are a constant source of inspiration and one of them is quite obsessed with art and especially paintbrushes. She also loves to watch people making art on Youtube - she's definitely a frustrated kitty artist.

My theme for this month is Books, Cats and Tea .  I saw a meme once that read " I just want to read books, pet cats and drink tea ."  That would describe my perfect day!  It inspired me to create an ATC at the time and I am hoping that it will inspire you to create lots of lovely journal pages for this month's theme.  

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