- Artisan tailleur de pierre en Dordogne, Périgord, et Charente – Tailleur de Pierre

Description: L’atelier Vincent BETEAU réalise tous vos travaux de pose et taille de pierre, devis gratuit, restauration et création : cheminée, escalier, pilier…

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Because stone is a material of multiple facets which has so many stories to tell you, it fully merits the interest you show for it. From the most humble of farms to the pillars of a palace, it is the memory of the gestures which have shaped it and the thousands of year which have formed it. By contacting a stone cutter artisan, you have the possibility of offering yourself that beauty which has forever aroused our admiration.

My commitment is to cut each stone while paying a very particular attention to the place it will have in your project. With almost 15 years of experience all over France and Europe in the restoration of historical monuments and in many recognized stone cutting workshops, I put my skills to your service for your restoration of an old house or your ideas of creation in stone, however original they may be.

Situated in Dordogne, in the heart of the green Périgord and near Charente, I mainly cut the renowned limestone of the region, (soft or hard), but also the fine stones of Burgundy, Poitou and all regions of France.