- ArtivFact.Com - Affordable Web Site Services

Description: Web site evaluation, design, implementation. Turn-key management, search engine keyword analysis, traffic analysis, copy editing, proof-reading.

web site design (1924) search engine (1203) proofreading (941) copy editing (262) traffic analysis (19) keyword analysis (15) site evaluation (9)

Example domain paragraphs offers affordable and comprehensive web site services and data solutions. We design and implement web sites; perform search engine optimization; and we perform on-going web site management to keep your web site fresh and interesting to your internet audience. Whether you just need an eight-page "Here We Are" informational web site, or a 500 product e-commerce web site, we can implement your site quickly, efficiently, and inexpensively. We will help you take your 'blue sky' idea through all sta

The Challenge Every aspect of your on-line presence must be done exactly right so that your customers can find you and successfully conduct business with you. The challenge of a profitable web presence has only just begun after you have built an attractive, functional web site that offers products, services or information.

The Solution in simple terms involves making your site attractive to search engine facilities, and then monitoring the traffic you receive to determine the need for refinements or additional changes. The solution we provide is site content evaluation, keyword discovery & management, meta-tag content, and web access log analysis. Please see our services page for details & pricing and then Contact Us .