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Art Loft PA is a contemporary project space created for enjoyment of Visual, Performing and Literary Arts in Philadelphia's Loft District. We will host salon style events by invitation and appointment ... please 'friend' us on facebook and we will put you on the list for upcoming events! Space is limited.


Corpo/Ethereal: an exhibition featuring paintings, sculpture and immersive environment by NY Times-celebrated artist Jordan Eagles , (“The Blood Artist”), sculptor Emil Alzamora and Jeff Wallin . The exhibition focuses on the metaphysical intersections of body and spirit. Opening Reception and P rojection: Friday, November 16 from 6 - 8:30 pm (including immersive environment) Reception and Artist Talk: Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012, 2 - 5 pm Jordan Eagles / 3:30 pm   Corpo/Ethereal continues, by appointment, unti