- Raul Lopez Garcia - Mexican painter, sculptor and graphic designer

Description: The Official Site of Raul Lopez Garcia | Mexican Visual Artist

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  CORO DNA Im Zuge technologischen Wandels entstehen immer auch neue Rechtfertigungen zur Überwachung einer Gesellschaft, in der ohnehin bereits freiwillig Daten über soziale und ökonomische Gegebenheiten zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Mit neuartigen Maßnahmen zur Kontrolle der Ausbreitung der Corona-Pandemie scheint nun eine neue Form des Tracking legitimiert und verbreitet zu werden. Sie entsteht nicht aus einem Bedürfnis nach Bequemlichkeit heraus, sondern baut auf Angst und Unsicherheit auf – Faktoren,

The main creative source in my work is on the one hand, the human being, his trail, his nomadism and secondly the protocultural symbolism of signs such as glyphs, ideograms. These are frequently used elements in my work, expressing my fascination for discovering graphic language analogies among primitive, ancient and contemporary iconographies. To carry out my work I use traditional and digital techniques such as painting, ceramics, assemblages, drawing, photography, and digital art. Each concept means an e

RAUL was born in Mexico City where he studied graphic design at the Academia Bernal and later engraving at the Instituto Cultural Cabañas in Guadalajara. During his first stay in Germany from 1990 - 2000 he attended the art school „Freie Kunstschule Stuttgart“ worked as a visual artist, graphic designer and in experimental ceramics workshops. Between 2001 to 2007 he lived in Barcelona and Paris, where he was the beneficiary of a studio granted by the „Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris", he attended

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