Description: Roman Nikolaus Urban advised us to tell the truth, to forgive, and to love. The laws of kingdom! The Third Generation keeps the Hapkido laws at the true line.

hapkido (256) papa nikolaus (17) guten morgen (17) roman urban (14) chun ki do (14)

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Chun Ki Do – Hapkido wurde 2012 in Afrika vorgestellt und ich habe mehrere Jahre in Ghana, Togo, Uganda und Kenia unterrichtet. Bildung, ist der einzige Weg, um Armut und Hunger auf dem Kontinent zu beenden. Meine Inspiration, Lehrer auszubilden, um die Bildungslücken in Afrika zu schließen, kam von Bischof Dunu Agbesi Joseph aus Ghana. Um unsere Ideen umzusetzen, haben wir die Guten Morgen Foundation gegründet und bauen die Realschule Teiman Wisdom Academy in ein Gymnasium und in eine internationale afrika

Chun Ki Do – Hapkido was introduced to Africa in 2012, and I have taught for many years in Ghana , Togo , Uganda , and Kenya. Education is the only way to end poverty and hunger on the continent. My inspiration to train committed teachers to fill the education gaps in Africa came from Reverend Minister Pastor Dunu Agbesi Joseph from Ghana. The Good Morning Foundation was created to implement these ideas and is converting Teiman Wisdom Academy into a Gymnasium and an international African training centre.

After being ordered by destiny to the poorhouse of the world , all alone and without money, I merged into the entity to do what pleased me.