- Asian Ceramics | Market leading analysis for the global ceramics industry

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Pakistan’s ceramics industry grew rapidly during the middle of last decade, followed by a period of declining demand. However, just like its economy, a boom-and-bust pattern has characterised the country’s ceramic industry during the past 15 years.

In the past decade, ceramic production in the domestic market has been relatively uncompetitive due to huge imports from China, Iran and ASEAN countries. However, Pakistani authorities intervened in 2018 to establish a level playing field between domestic and imported ceramics by imposition of antidumping duties.

Despite COVID-19, unprecedented floods in 2022, and the Ukraine war, there is hope for the ceramic industry in the country. Although the ceramics industry in Pakistan is experiencing a difficult time at present, Yogender Singh Malik, in his insightful article in our pages inside, predicts that it will continue to grow over the long run. His argument is based on several factors, chief among them being an increase in housing unit requirements and an upward trend, which should propel the country to the top of

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