- B2B Ecommerce Website Integration With Sage & Pegasus - GOb2b

Description: We are a website design agency providing B2B ecommerce solutions using our flexible GOb2b system with Sage or Pegasus Opera accounts software integration.

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Delivering Feature Rich Customer Experiences

An e-commerce website will increase your revenues, allowing your customers to order from you with ease 24/7. A GOb2b® e-commerce site designed for B2B caters for the complexity and scale that your business demands. Our platform and software, by design, handles large volumes of products and configurations, pricing options and stock, along with customer and agent sales with payments on account as well as card payments. We are specialists in the trade world and our solution was built for B2B from the ground up

You can have your new GOb2b® e-commerce website completely standalone but it is already compatible with the other systems you use out-of-the-box. These live connections mean you don’t have to manually manage the information flow between your new e-commerce site and your existing payment, accounting, marketing and shipping systems.