- Welcome - Assarbad's homepage [/en/welcome]

Description: On my page I provide several source codes (mostly in Delphi, but C/C++ as well) plus the respective binaries. The programs shall serve as programming samples as well as for common (daily) use. Furthermore I provide a link collection and some tutorials.

c++ (3672) tutorials (1645) delphi (662) eda (164) assarbad (1) nonvcl (1) rshutdown (1) rshutdown2 (1) pview (1) pview2 (1)

Example domain paragraphs

This page is owned by Oliver aka Assarbad aka Сніжок. Although I can speak three of the above languages fairly well, as for example my mother-tongue: German, I provide this page only in English and German.

I learnt Russian in school for seven years but forgot most of it then ;) ... now, after I studied in Dnepropetrovsk/Днепропетровск (Ukraine) for half a year in winter 2000/2001, I think I can understand much and speak okay. BUT this is virtually restricted to spoken language. Written language seems much more difficult to me, but I am working on that. I think it would never be enough to translate this page with its technical terms into Russian (by myself).

Also I studied Polish in evening-school and at the university for 2 years and can communicate relatively well with a Pole, as long as she speaks clearly (and slowly). Meanwhile I do not attend any classes anymore.