- Astral Son – Psychedelic song based space rock larded with krautrock and electronic sounds.

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Psychedelic song based space rock larded with krautrock and electronic sounds.

The new album is ready, or should I say the creative part. It has been mastered (fantastic!!) and the artwork is done. Currently it is in the vinyl process, waiting for a test pressing. I hope it will be released (Headspin Records) later this year, maybe the end of the summer or autumn. We’ll see. Wow, what a journey it has been.

In 2019 I started on a new album. It went well. And then the pandemic came; I wasn’t in the mood anymore. I went inward, changed my habits. After a long break (not from music, I played every day…) I promised myself to finish the album. There was a lot to do. A lot. I knew this one was going to be tough. Often a song got much better after reworking. It forced me to go through the other songs in order to get them to the same level. This creative process has been amazing. And rewarding. Today I listen to the a

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