- Astrid Alben | Poet, Translator, Editor | London, UK

Description: Astrid Alben is a poet, editor and translator. Astrid is the author of Ai! Ai! Pianissimo and Plainspeak. She has also edited and translated many poets from Dutch and Flemish, and she is the co-editor of three art/science anthologies.

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Astrid Alben is a poet, editor and translator. She is the author of Ai! Ai! Pianissimo (Arc Publications), Plainspeak (Prototype), Little Dead Rabbit (Prototype) and Klein dood konijn (PoëzieCentrum). Her translation of Anne Vegter’s Eiland berg gletsjer/Island mountain glacier received an English PEN Translates award (2022).

She has been described as ‘a new and original voice in English poetry, serious and uncompromising’ (R. V. Bailey). Her poems have been translated into many languages including Chinese, Maltese, Slovenian and Romanian and she has appeared at Literary Festivals throughout Europe.  

Astrid is the co-founder and artistic director of the arts and sciences initiative PARS. She has curated and edited the Findings on… series published by Lars Müller Publishers and curated site-specific events that are a mixture of theatre, art installation and scientific experiment.