- AstroCalendar by HJ - Unlock Your Inner Timing

Description: AstroCalendar by Hassan Jaffer helps you understand personal timing and make better life choices with a personalized astrology website to gain power from within.

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All your 10 Essential cycles including the Moon's daily transit for the entire Family. The ten cycles include Emotional, Love, Action, Yearly Focus, Planning, Opportunity, Achievement, Windfalls, Inspirational, Transforming cycles

Watch all the planets in houses for the entire Family. This is a first and nobody has ever done it!  This is an extremely useful so you can monitor each other's transits as events are reflected in each other's lives

Marriage is not looking into each other's eyes. It is looking in the same direction. Synastry program gives you fantastic insight in each other and how you can improve your relationship. You can also compare your chart with any other birth date