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WhiteBox comes with a ton of cool features to make your app site interactive. One of them is fullly customized lightbox support. Create instant lightbox images and lightbox galleries (optional) simply by applying a CSS class! Perfect for showing off screen shots of your app no matter what resolution they are, and what device your app runs on.
Go ahead! Click one of the thumbnails to the right, I dare you.
” 近两年来内容创业成为话题热点,这一期访谈,我们尝试把真格基金联合创始人李剑威先生对于内容创业的背景趋势及对创业者融资需要注意的问题的一些思考分享出来: 一、超级App繁荣正是内容创业好时机 新媒体对流量是非常敏感的,但是从今年上半年开始,互联网界、VC界有很多声音就讲消费互联网进入hard模式。 可惜,张兰忽略了最重要的一点,要想成为餐饮界的百年老店,没有几道独特的名菜,也没有与时俱进的创新精神,光靠营销是长久不了的。