- Adolescents with ADHD | ATHEMOS the Game

Description: Official site for ATHEMOS the Game, where users can download the educational game ATHEMOS and its support materials for adolescents with ADHD. All materials, including the game file, will be available for free in 2022, following a 1-year pilot study.

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ATHEMOS the Game

Enroll in the Study

The link above takes visitors to the Digital Market, a website hosted by East Carolina University. Visitors must agree to the terms of use before downloading the ATHEMOS installation file.  Please note that the prototype version of ATHEMOS requires the following:  - Windows 10 PC - XBOX-style game controller We further recommend that users play the game on computers with a discrete graphics card and 8GB of RAM or higher. (Our hope is to extend the game to other computer platforms in the future.) ATHEMOS was

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