Description: ATProduct Elevates your Product above the competitors by leveraging state of the art data & pricing analysis with live data from the network. Maximise brand recognition through automated flows and the aid of the true brand followers
cloud (8677) retail (4692) eshop (2208) prices (1235) optimize (152) mwc (42) reprices (3) mwc22 (3)
a headless commerce system
... with personality
The concept of product classification consists of categorizing products by specific characteristics so that they form a structured portfolio. Product classification is the key to ATProduct services . We have implemented a 3-group classification by default and we also provide the ability to create custom categories. Our suggested categories: 1) Key Products - Products that drive traffic. KPItem, KPcategory. 2) Basket Products - Products that keep your clients coming back for more. 3) Value Products - Product