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Egg prices are bonkers everywhere, even Aldi. Pro tip: the cage free eggs have been much less expensive than the standard conceptual “cheap” eggs. Their price has been holding steady at around $4 while conventional eggs have been creeping up to about $5.

I missed posting my last visit on the 27th January. It was oddly fraught—not much was on the shelves and I was at a bit of a loss. It was a Thursday and I thought they’d be well stocked since the ad starts on Wednesday. However, I was able to get enough to not have…

I was dreaded running errands today because I just didn’t want to do them They are calling for snow so I thought the stores would be packed I didn’t want anything that was on sale this week at Aldi (it’s their “healthy” week sale and mostly packaged food) I didn’t have any meals planned or…