- AtVentures, LLC

Description: Serving Both Business and technology needs for a comprehensive solution.

health (21310) technology (16979) management (14168) and (11966) information (8179) program (3033) analytics (2782) public (2434) advanced (934)

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Serving Both Business and Technology Needs for a Comprehensive Solution

AtVentures Brings a Wealth of Expertise

AtVentures is is an SBA Approved, All Small Mentor-Protégé HUBZone and WOSB Joint Venture (JV) between Inoventures, LLC and Maximus Federal Consulting, LLC – two individual firms that bring a wealth of proven federal and defense IT consulting and services expertise. AtVentures allows our customers to access the vast resources of both firms, while qualifying as a HUBZone and Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB)