- Audio Therapy - High End Hi-Fi in Newcastle upon Tyne

Description: Audio Therapy - World Class Hi-Fi in Newcastle upon Tyne | Vitus Audio, Melco, T+A, Avalon, Gold Note, Taiko, Vimberg, Shunyata, Fyne Audio Tellurium Q & Entreq

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Thanks for taking the time to find my website. I hope that you find you it useful and informative. I’m sure if you’ve managed to find my site it’s fair to say we probably share a love and passion for music and the manner in which it is reproduced.

My name is David Baker and I’ve worked in the hi-fi industry for over 23 years during which time I have seen many changes and developments. I’ve seen vinyl disappear, then come back again and of course the advent and coming of age of “streamed” music.

Over the years I have sold most of the “major” brands and some of those less well known ones. I have also worked for a rather well known high end manufacturer.

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