European Dealer Group Top-100 active in 34 countries In 2016 the Porsche Holding (Salzburg) sold the largest number new cars in Europe. The British Pendragon group and the Swiss Emil Frey group are the next followers. This and more follows from the new AUMACON Dealer Group Top-100 EUROPE, an extensive research amongst the 100 biggest car dealer groups in Europe. The report which is a good 240 pages long is presented today. Until 2013 this annual research was performed by the French market intelligence agenc
Top-100 Dealer Groups are active in 34 European countries. France has 30 operating Top-100 groups, followed by Germany (26) and the United Kingdom (18). On the French market nearly all present Top-100 groups are domestic. The highest numbers of operating non-domestic groups can be found in Germany (7) and Hungary (6).
press release AUMACON Dealer Group Top-100 EUROPE >>>